Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hey, Whatta Ya Know!

Look at me. Writing for two weeks in a row.

Being Mormon, we don't observe Lent in an official way. But I do love the idea of Lent. I see it as an opportunity to become spiritually prepared for the celebration of Easter. I love the story of Jesus fasting in the wilderness for forty days, preparing for His ministry and mission. Certainly, one take home lesson in His story, is that we could all use more spiritual preparation in our lives.

So with the idea of spiritual preparation, I spent a few days asking myself what spiritual need did I have. The answer came to me suddenly on the morning of Ash Wednesday. I had already decided what I thought I should give up for Lent. But, as we gathered for family prayer, the thought came to me that I waste my time. Not only do I waste my time, but it bothers me that I am not spending my time as wisely as I should. And I knew that one huge time sucker for me was playing games on Facebook. So I gave it up. Cold turkey. I let all my crops die, my buildings go unbuilt, and my game missions left uncompleted. And guess what? I am okay.

It turns out, that I can get a lot more done with my time when I am not frittering away precious hours on frivolous, virtual realities. Of course, you who are so much wiser than me knew that already. But this is my life and I am slowly learning my own lessons! Thank goodness I am learning.

This quote seemed appropriate to me:

The prophet Brigham Young said: 'We should never permit ourselves to do anything that we are not willing to see our children do. We should set them an example that we wish them to imitate.' Each of us can start today by being that good example” (Mary N. Cook, “Be an Example of the Believers,” Oct. 2010 general conference).

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Great idea! I will have to think of something to give up. Hope you are all well!