Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is It March Already?

February has flown by. Here are the bullet points of the past month:

Douglas started working on Feb 1 for the Greif company in Santa Monica.

Michele still teaches 8th graders Algebra three times a day and tries not to pull her hair out.

Michele travels to SLC for much needed R&R. Only mistakenly schedules her trip over President's Day weekend which turns out to also be Valentine's Day thus creating strife and contention at home. (I have to say, it was worth it.)

We discover Elias is allergic to amoxycillin.

Addison's Green Team cleans up after the Pasadena Marathon.

Doug receives a new calling as Stake Sunday School President.

Douglas and Michele have birthdays (I am 36 and Douglas is 42).

And of course, we have been selling Girl Scout cookies all month.

Good times, good times. I hope March is just as exciting.