Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We are still here!

Well, Michele has not been bloging that much as of late. It probably has to do with the relative busy ratio going through the roof. Here are some highlights.

-Two weeks ago Michele and I gave the talks in Sacrament Meeting with only a few days notice. In addition I also had to present the Elders Quroum lesson and Michele had to play the piano in primary so that was a busy day and several busy days trying to crank out our talks. Sunday morning was particularly busy as Michele and I were committed to ignoring the kids in order to finish our talks. The kids loved it.

- I have been wrapping up a show for the past few weeks which meant long hours, including working right up until about 5pm on Christmas eve. This meant that Michele really did all the Christmas shopping on her own.

-Speaking of Christmas eve, Elias started a new tradition this year. It's called throwing up all over yourself while sleeping. Michele went into the kids room noting that there was quite a pong. Naturally, she thought it was the baby, but no, his diaper was just fine, thank you. Going back into the kids room a second time, now with the advantage of light the real problem was clear. So we launched into a round of late night laundry while Elias slept on our bed. Talk about tempting fate!

- Christmas morning was pretty normal, kids thrilled by their gifts followed by fighting over who gets to play with what.

-The big deal this year was Addison got a special gift. A few days on her own with Grandma and Grandpa. So on Friday, she got to take her first solo air plane flight ever! Yes she was nervous, but she handled it well. What's more, is that on the return flight she traveled first class! Neither Michele or I have ever done that. Addison informs us that the seats are very large, they bring snacks around not once but twice, and that she met some very nice girls sitting behind her who also like webkins. And that they had made a play date. an online play date that is. That is something I had never heard of before, 8 & 9 years olds making virtual play dates. Who knew?

So, those are some highlights. here are some photos from our attempt at a Christmas card photo shoot (you'll notice I wrote attempt.):


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Here Comes Santa Claus . . .

Christmas is supposed to be a time of peace and joy.  So why am I not feeling it today?!!!!  Aaaarrrghhhh.  In the spirit of Christmas fun - here is a link to the Norad Santa Tracker.  We like to know that the weather isn't holding him back. :)

Monday, December 8, 2008


This year we have been using our advent calendar to help us focus more on Christ.  We have two ways of doing this.  On December 1st we made a paper chain, on on each link we wrote Christmas is a Time of . . . . (happiness, charity, visiting, etc).  Each link has a scripture  that is tied to the daily theme.  As part of the bedtime routine we tear off another link, read the scripture together and sing a Christmas song.  

I also have an advent calendar that I bought at Starbucks.  It has all these cool little drawers that you turn around each night to slowly reveal a picture.  In the past I've filled each little box with a chocolate.  Of course, I usually had to fill it a few times since I would eat them, and then of course the kids start to fight over who gets the chocolate.  So, this year instead of filling my Advent calendar with chocolates, I filled them with an activity.  I choose different things such as take cookies to a neighbor or watch a Christmas movie and eat popcorn or go see the lights in our pajamas.  The kids get to read the activity in the morning and then look forward to doing it together in the evening.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Home From the Holidays-Pictures needed

We spent a fabulous week in Salt Lake City for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  It was a mini family reunion on my dad's side of the family. Siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles galore.  Family came in from all over including Arizona, Sacramento and Los Angeles.  We totaled 37 strong, with a dozen of those being children.  The only people missing were my brother Jacob and his beautiful wife Jeni.  Apparently New Zealand is too far away to make a weekend trip to Utah feasible.  Whatever.

We have no pictures.  None.  I packed the camera in the car, brought it into the house and never looked at it again.  So, if anyone has pictures from the weekend, we would love it if you would send us copies.

Now we are full swing into Christmas.   Today, I am unpacking, cleaning up and setting up decorations.  I need to get our Advent activities started (more on that later.) Visions of sugarplums and holiday activities are dancing through my head as I try to get everything organized.  I love this time of year, and hope that my children will have warm memories.

Hope you had a  wonderful Thanksgiving.