Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pop Culture Hang Over!

I have not posted here in ages and what I really want to post about Michele probably would not approve of so, instead of doing that, I am going to try to recover from watching Ironman last night. FEH!  I admit it I am the one guy who did not like that movie at all.  Sorry, my inner 12, no, 10 year old has locked himself in a closet and will not come out to play.

Anyway, at first I hated youtube, thinking that it's only content was home videos of bar fights and "real" bigfoot videos.  I was wrong.  Youtube also has things that really help one heal the splitting head ache, and double vision that define the hangover created by a night of pop culture indulgences.

Pop culture hang over cure #1 Minimalism!

Minimalism is admittedly hard going for some.  But actually seeing it performed can bring new appreciation.  This was the case for Michele when two years ago she took me to see the PREMIERE of Steve Reich's Daniel Variations.  Even Michele was very much impressed seeing the work performed.  Myself, I was moved to tears.  This video is of a group performing one of the best sections of  Reich's Music for 18 Musicians.  The video gives some idea of the complexity and challenge of performing such a composition. 

Pop culture hang over cure #2 Post Structural Theory!

Anyone familiar with Derrida either loves of hates him.  I love him, his work has had a dramatic impact on my thought and led me down roads that I have throughly enjoyed and benefitted from.  In this clip Derrida talks about forgiveness and how the only thing that actually calls for forgiveness, the only thing that is forgivable, is the unforgivable.  Good stuff.

So there you have it.  How to use youtube, the central clearinghouse of all pop culture dreck, to find a cure for pop culture.  Other things to check out on youtube include:  Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle, videos of John Luther Adam's music, and just for fun all the Pat Metheny videos (here) the most absurdly skilled guitarist on the planet. 

Of course the true cure for a bad pop movie is the visual poetry of the great one himself!


Michele said...

Hi honey! I pulled up the blog and thought I was in the wrong place. pop culture hangover I said to myself? Who would write a silly thing like that?

I listened to and watched the Steve Reich piece - loved it of course! What a great night that was. Its been too long since we've seen great live music played like that. Remedy that why don't ya! Love you.

Potters said...

I will watch your videos tomorrow. I'm too tired right now - had 10 vials of blood taken this evening. Fun fun.

Anyhow, this week I have been using Youtube to watch old Joni Mitchel videos - love the BBC performance of California - great dulcimer.

douglas hunter said...

Wow, November 19 9:24pm Michele said she LOVED a Steve Reich composition. That makes up for all the times you made wise cracks about the needle being stuck on the record when I play his music.


the Joni Mitchel is cool, thanks.