Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Pi Day

Yesterday, on 3.14, we celebrated the famous ratio pi.  Math enthusiasts the world round stop to contemplate the significance of this little ratio.  Mostly I think we spray as many digits of pi as we have possibly memorized and then eat pie.  
Our family had pizza pie and then lemon merengue pie for dessert.  This and Thanksgiving are probably the only two days of the year that I ever eat pie.  (Oh, maybe strawberry pie in the spring for Easter or Mother's Day).  Anyway, I hope everyone had a fabulous pi day!People with Pi Illustration


Unknown said...

Michelle... my luck that the girls came to get Ben.. woody and I thank you for the Pie... he thought it was a funny thing to celebrate...

Michele said...

Nancy - I'm happy to share pie anyday of the week! Hope Woody enjoyed our silliness.

Potters said...

How do you spray digits?

The Hills... said...

We had pie with our friends too the other night! It was my first time celebrating pi!

heidi said...

If we actually enjoyed where pi came from we would celebrate it. We at this house HATE math and everything that belongs to it.

Sounds fun though--who doesn't like to eat pie once a year!