Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Eat Your Vegetables

Saturday Addison and I went to the Farmer's Market. In my ongoing efforts to get our family eating more vegetables I let her help me pick some. After getting the standard, broccoli, bok choy, peas, Addison noticed a table covered in brussel sprouts. Lets try those! Without saying a word, I picked out a bunch to have with dinner.

Skip ahead to dinner time. Major Drama! As you can imagine - Addison hates brussel sprouts and cried throughout dinner. I actually thought they were pretty good. I had done my best to make them taste good - I sauteed them in garlic, butter and olive oil until they were tender. Oh well, maybe she'll do better with the swiss chard . . . .?

P.S. Check out my, everything food blog to learn more about the world's healthiest foods.


Potters said...

My kids like brussel sprouts. We usually steam them and put vinegar and oil on them.

amanda jane said...

I aplaude the effort, I would have just said NO - since in the end I would have to eat them ALL by myself. can't count on Johnny's help in that department, wait maybe I can now! glad to get those wheels a churning, look out adventure here we come!