Thursday, August 30, 2007


This week southern California is suffering from a heat wave. Temps are above 100 - up to 107 in some areas. Needless to say - we're hot!

But last night, around 3 in the morning I was lying awake as usual. Strange flashing lights and low rumbling noises were bothering me - and I was starting to get mad at whichever neighbor was causing the rucous! Suddenly I realized - hey I think I recognize this noise - it's thunder! At this point, Douglas was awake as well and we opened the window and listened as the thunder got louder and closer. We held our breathes, hoping that actual rain might follow. And sure enough, we finally heard a sound that has been absent from our lives for months! Rain!!!

We both grabbed our shoes and ran out into the driveway and stood under the cool drops for the full two minutes that they fell. It was heaven and over way too soon. We got back into bed and fell asleep listening to the few more waves of rain that came by.

This morning, except for a few puddles here and there and dirty streaks on the cars, you would harldy know it had happened. Today is going to be another 3 digit scorcher and no more rain in sight for months. But I have one small moment to cling to while I wait for the next rain to fall.


Potters said...

What kidred spirits! I was on my front porch in the middle of the night feeling the rain drops and watching the lightning. I went back to bed and later it just started to crash rain. It was so hard and noisy I loved it! You really learn to appreciate what you miss.

douglas hunter said...

You totally beat me to it! I was going to post about the rain too!

A summer rain is the best. Last night was a reminder of one big way that socal is Lame.

amanda jane said...

Hey Doug what Lame about socal?
And by the way where is the new kid!? We are all waiting to hear!